Industrial real estate picks up the trend from the development of the semiconductor industry


Vietnam's semiconductor industry is attracting numerous investors due to the global increase in demand, especially following the Covid-19 pandemic. Intel has expanded its chip testing plant in Ho Chi Minh City with a total investment of $4 billion, and Samsung has invested in the largest product development center in Southeast Asia in Hanoi. Some semiconductor companies from the Netherlands, such as BE Semiconductor Industries N.V., have also invested in Vietnam.

Industrial real estate benefits from the development of the semiconductor industry. Photo: T.L

Thomas Rooney from Savills emphasized that Vietnam's strategic location in Southeast Asia, favorable natural conditions, and stable political system create an attractive environment for investors. The demand for semiconductor production is driving the search for factories and industrial zones with good infrastructure.

The northern economic region is expected to become a hotspot for industrial real estate due to the wave of semiconductor investment. To attract this capital, localities and businesses need to improve policies, infrastructure, and human resources. However, Vietnam needs to improve its energy infrastructure to meet the high demands of the semiconductor industry.

The government and businesses need to work closely to enhance the investment environment, improve infrastructure, and train the workforce, helping Vietnam become an important semiconductor production center globally, contributing to economic development and increasing its position in the global supply chain.

Duy Nguyen compiled from Vietnam Financial Times