The Ministry of Planning and Investment is drafting a new decree on business registration


The Ministry of Planning and Investment is drafting a new Decree to replace Decree No. 01/2021/ND-CP on enterprise registration, consisting of 10 chapters and 86 articles. Deputy Minister Tran Duy Dong stated that this effort aims to meet practical demands and implement new legal documents.

Key principles of the draft new Decree:

  1. Adherence to the content of the Enterprise Law.
  2. Facilitating enterprise registration while ensuring state management objectives.
  3. Respecting the autonomy and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and their members or shareholders.
  4. Addressing the interconnection between tax authorities and business registration authorities to reduce administrative procedures.

Main contents adjusted and supplemented:

  1. Business registration forms: Specify and amend the current forms according to the requirements of Proposal 06.
  2. Supplementing regulations in Decree No. 31/2021/ND-CP guiding the Investment Law and Decree No. 122/2020/ND-CP, including business registration for credit institutions and securities companies.
  3. Guidance on Article 215 of the Enterprise Law: Establishing connections and sharing information with the national database on enterprise registration. This includes registration licenses, certificates of business eligibility, practice certificates, administrative violation sanctions, business operation status, tax reports, and financial statements.

The proposed new Decree aims to address the shortcomings of existing Decrees, ensuring more effective enterprise management and better support for businesses in their operations.

Huy Dinh compiled from