SDLink is a Consulting Company established in 2019 and operated by experts who have been employees, middle managers, senior managers of many large and small corporations and state management blocks of many member states. various economic sectors, working in the fields of accounting, finance, auditing, sales, marketing, customer service, human resource management, strategy formulation and implementation, systems management, operating and managing companies and corporations.

Over the years, we have realized the weaknesses of the units in the process of their formation and development. Take advantage of that and with the knowledge and experience accumulated in the process of studying and working, along with the desire to use their ability to exploit and connect businesses, especially are Vietnamese and international enterprises that do not yet have good methods and solutions in the process of investment and business development. We are committed to providing businesses with the best consulting services suitable to the conditions of each business.

With the strategy of "A powerful assistant for businesses", we will provide recommendations, advice, and support services to exploit businesses thoroughly and get solutions. The most effective investment and business development method. Depending on the status and conditions of the business, we will offer service packages provided by the company itself or hire leading Vietnamese and international experts in specialized fields to advise businesses. Karma. We believe that with the above knowledge, experience and desires, we will bring businesses a "sustainable" development.