Investment Restrictions
Corporate Debt
Investments may be made in listed or unlisted corporate debt including straight, convertible, equity linked, performance-linked, subordinated, mezzanine and/or or collateralised debt obligations, preferred shares or money market instruments, in VND or any other lawful currency of any country. This may include debt owed or guaranteed by the Government of, or provinces or municipalities in, Vietnam.
Money Market
Up to 100% of NAV may be invested in non-VND cash and money market instruments.
Investments in equity-linked instruments, provided that the total equity delta does not exceed 25% of NAV at the time of investment. Equity issued on conversion or exchange of any equity-linked instrument, or as a result of any restructuring, may be retained.
Investment in currency swaps, hedges, derivatives and structured products is permitted, provided no more than 20% of gross assets are exposed to the creditworthiness or solvency of any one such counterparty.
Not more than 20% of gross assets may be exposed to the creditworthiness or solvency of a single corporation or single government instrument (each sovereign, province or municipal authority will be treated as a separate entity for this purpose).
Borrowings are permitted up to 50% of NAV. Investments in closed and open ended funds is permitted. The Modified Duration shall not exceed eight.
Aggregate Exposure
Up to 35% of NAV (calculated at time of investment) may be made in any of the above identified classes of investment issued or guaranteed by businesses focused on any country or region in Asia or government entities of any country in Asia provided aggregate investments in this category do not exceed 35% of NAV at the time of investment.