HCMC: High-Tech Enterprises May Receive Investment in Rooftop Solar Power


The Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee has directed the Department of Industry and Trade to submit the proposal "Development of Clean Electricity and Green Energy to Serve the Investment and Development Needs of High Technology in Ho Chi Minh City" after consulting with relevant departments and agencies.

According to the proposal, Ho Chi Minh City has great potential for developing solar energy due to its high average radiation, approximately 1,581 kWh/m²/year, and the number of sunshine hours ranging from 100 to 300 hours per month, especially during the dry season. By 2022, renewable energy sources contributed 9.32% of the peak capacity of the city's power grid.

To meet the high electricity demand in Ho Chi Minh City, the development of rooftop solar power is essential. This form of energy does not require land space, reduces building heat, enhances on-site power supply, ensures energy security, and reduces the need for external power transmission. The proposal aims to increase the proportion of renewable energy to at least 15% of the city's power system's maximum capacity in the period from 2025 to 2030.

The investment targets for solar power include high-tech enterprises located in or outside high-tech parks, export processing zones, and industrial zones. To participate, businesses must meet the criteria of the Law on High Technology and the Law on Investment. Enterprises with the demand to develop rooftop solar power and meet the criteria will submit their applications to the Department of Industry and Trade to be allocated capacity according to Decision 262/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister. This decision allocates a total rooftop solar power development capacity of 73 MW for Ho Chi Minh City by 2030.

Huy Dinh compiled from baodautu.vn