Government Meeting on the Topic of Legislative Development in July 2024


On July 24, 2024, under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, the government held a special meeting on legislation.


1. Law Proposals:

  • Emergency Situations Law
  • Science and Technology Law (amended)

2. Law Projects:

  • Electricity Law (amended)
  • Employment Law (amended)

3. Investment Proposal:

  • High-speed railway project on the North-South axis

Key Points Discussed:

  • Administrative Reforms: Prime Minister emphasized the importance of breaking through institutional barriers and reducing administrative procedures to avoid bureaucratic "ask-give" mechanisms, and reduce hassle and compliance costs for agencies, citizens, and businesses.
  • Legislative Efforts: Since the beginning of the term, the government has conducted 27 specialized legislative sessions, reviewing over 100 law proposals and passing more than 60 laws and resolutions. In 2024 alone, five such sessions were held.
  • High-Speed Railway: The meeting also considered a significant investment proposal for a high-speed railway on the North-South axis, aligning with the Politburo's directive and national transportation development plans.

Directives for Implementation:

  • Leadership and Coordination: Ministers and heads of governmental agencies were tasked with directly leading and coordinating legislative work, frequently reviewing arising issues and ensuring laws are clear in terms of roles, responsibilities, timelines, effectiveness, and outcomes.
  • Resource Allocation: Emphasis was placed on investing in institutional development, providing necessary resources and incentives for staff involved in law-making, and promoting innovation in the legislative process.
  • Accountability and Evaluation: Performance of officials involved in legislative work would be reviewed, with outstanding contributors recognized and those underperforming held accountable.

The meeting highlighted the importance of ensuring that laws are clear, enforceable, and contribute to the country's development goals, such as becoming a modern industrialized nation with high income by 2045.

Huy Dinh compiled from VNEconomy